
Julia Arenson

Postdoc, Department of Anthropology

Yale University

Research interests: Primate cranial morphology, cercopithecid evolution, geographic variation

Sylvia Atsalis

Coordinator of the Student Center for Science Engagement

Northeastern Illinois University

Research interests: primate behavior, conservation education

Karen Baab

Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy

Midwestern University - Glendale, AZ

Research interests: hominin taxonomy and phylogeny, cranial morphology, geometric morphometrics

Ashley Bales

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Math and Science, Pratt Institute

Research interests: Catarrhine and hominoid evolution, systematics, geometric morphometrics

Carly Batist

Science Outreach Lead

Rainforest Connection (RFCx)

Research interests: primate behavior, communication, evolution of sociality, fission-fusion dynamics (particularly in lemurs, Varecia spp.)

Christina Bergey

Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics

Rutgers University

Research interests: Primate population genetics and genomics, hybridization, bioinformatics

Richard Bergl

Director of Conservation, Education & Science

North Carolina Zoo

Research interests: primate behavior, population genetics, protected area management

Mary Blair

Director, Biodiversity Informatics Research, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation

American Museum of Natural History

Research interests: Conservation biology and genetics; evolutionary ecology; ecological niche modeling; molecular phylogenetics; landscape genetics and ecology; biogeography

Maryjka Blaszczyk

Pathology Resident


Research interests: Behavioral ecology of primate personality, social foraging, social networks

Scott Blumenthal

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Oregon

Research interests: Paleoanthropology, Stable isotope (paleo)ecology, East Africa

Jessica Brinkworth

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Research interests: Evolution of the primate immune system, human immune function variation, socioecology of immunity, innate immunity, severe bacterial infections, host-pathogen interactions, immunogenomics, evolutionary medicine

Douglas Broadfield

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Florida Atlantic University

Research interests: evolution of the human brain, comparative neuroanatomy, chimpanzee cognition

Michelle Brown

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Minnesota

Research interests: Primate behavioral ecology, between-group competition, evolution of within-group social relationships

Margaret Bryer


University of Michigan

Research interests: primate nutritional ecology, redtail monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) behavioral ecology, primate insectivory

Andrew Burrell

Research interests: population genetics, biogeography, papionin evolution

Paul Buzzard

Freelance Consultant

China Exploration and Research Society

Research interests: animal behavior and ecology, conservation biology

Zachary Calamari

Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences

CUNY Baruch College

Research interests: Ontogeny of shape, evolution of disparity, geometric morphometrics, transcriptomics

Joe Califf

Clinical Associate Professor, Expository Writing Program

New York University

Research interests: Behavior; socioendocrinology; cognitive evolution; human evolution; science education and pedagogy

Michael Campbell

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

University of Southern California

Research interests: human population genetics, adaptation, complex traits/disease

Emma Cancelliere

Research interests: Primate nutritional ecology, maternal behaviour, infant development

Terence Capellini

Richard B. Wolf Associate Professor, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology

Harvard University

Research interests: Evolutionary developmental biology; physical anthropology including primate evolutionary morphology with a focus on limb and axial skeletal biology, growth, and development

Santiago Cassalett

Department of Anthropology

The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: Primate nutritional ecology, conservation biology, Malagasy primate ecology

Paola Cerrito

Department of Anthropology

New York University

Research interests: Biological Anthropology, Paleoanthropology, Upper Paleolithic, Dental Anthropology, Life History Evolution, The Evolution of Childhood

Paulo Chaves

Perito Criminal

Governo de Goiás

Research interests: Phylogeography, conservation genetics, non-invasive genetic sampling, evolution of behavior, Neotropical primates, Brachyteles

Shahrina Chowdhury

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: primate behavior and ecology

Siobhán Cooke

Associate Professor, Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Research interests: Dental functional morphology; Masticatory biomechanics; Three dimensional geometric morphometric methods; Platyrrhine evolution; Caribbean and Neotropical mammalian evolution and biogeography; Caribbean extinction

Elena Cunningham

Clinical Associate Professor, Molecular Pathobiology

New York University College of Dentistry

Research interests: Primate cognition, Ranging and foraging behaviors, Primate ecology

Alexandra DeCasien

Postdoctoral Fellow

Section on Developmental Neurogenomics, National Institute of Mental Health

Research interests: How sexual selection has shaped primate brain evolution

Kate Detwiler

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Florida Atlantic University

Research interests: primate behavior and ecology, primate genetics

Wendy Dirks

Honorary Fellow, Department of Anthropology

Durham University

Research interests: Dental hard tissue histology, life history evolution, vertebrate palaeontology.

Rachel Dvoskin

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Research interests: primate genetics

Katarina Evans

Department of Anthropology

The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: primate behavioral ecology, nutritional ecology, sociality

Jennifer Eyre

Visiting Assistant Professor

Dartmouth College

Research interests: postcranial functional morphology, hominin evolution, locomotion, obstetrics

Peter Fashing

Professor, Department of Anthropology

California State University, Fullerton

Research interests: evolutionary anthropology, behavioral ecology, conservation biology, GIS, tropical forest and afroalpine grassland ecology

Connie Fellmann

Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Anthropology and Geography

Colorado State University

Research interests: Physical anthropology, limb ontogeny, heterochrony, growth and development, evolution of genus Homo (especially origin, dispersal and variation of Homo erectus), functional morphology/biomechanics, evolution and trends in hominin body size and shape

Elizabeth Fillion

Postdoctoral Associate, Staver Lab

Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University

Research interests: Hominin evolution, East African Plio-Pleistocene, paleoecology, paleoenvironment reconstruction

Emma Finestone

Assistant Curator of Human Origins

Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Research interests: Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution; reconstructing hominin behavior and diet; Oldowan tool use and transport patterns; primate tool use

Steffen Foerster

Data Unit Director, Division Management and Systems Coordination

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Research interests: biology, public health, statistics, and data science

Frances Forrest

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Fairfield University

Research interests: Taphonomy, Zooarchaeology, Paleoecology, Ecomorphology, Dental microwear, Early Stone Age, Hominin dietary variation

Sarah Freidline

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Evolution

University of Central Florida

Research interests: geometric morphometrics, hominin evolution

Stephen Frost

Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Oregon

Research interests: geometric morphometrics, primate paleontology

James Fuller

Adjunct Lecturer

Columbia University

Research interests: Behavioral ecology, vocal communication, determinants of social structure

Holly Fuong

Data Editor


Research interests: developing new ideas and playing with data to gain insight on the world

Eva Garrett

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

Boston University

Research interests: Primate evolution, evolutionary morphology, sexual dimorphism, olfaction, sexual selection, sensory ecology, life history, vomeronasal organ, nasal anatomy

Haviva Goldman

Professor, Neurobiology and Anatomy

Drexel University College of Medicine

Research interests: Human Variability and Skeletal Adaptation, Bone Quality and Skeletal Fragility, Hierarchical Structure-Property Relationships in Bone

Katy Gonder

Professor, Department of Biology

Drexel University

Research interests: Comparative human and non-human primate evolutionary and population genetics, Primate biogeography, behavior and ecology, African biodiversity and conservation

Lauren Halenar-Price

Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Farmingdale State College, SUNY

Research interests: Platyrrhine paleontology and biogeography, evolutionary history of atelid primates, howler monkey cranial morphology, geometric morphometrics

Rebecca Ham

Freelance Science & Health Writer

Phoenix, Arizona

Research interests: science policy,environmental science writing, science writing for children, museum exhibit design

Katerina Harvati

Professor, Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironments

University of Tübingen

Research interests: hominin evolution, Neanderthals, cranial morphology, geometric morphometrics

A. Yasmeen Hinedi

Research interests: forensic anthropology, Central Asia

Jason Hodgson

Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics and Big Data

Anglia Ruskin University

Research interests: Anthropological genetics; molecular genetics; population genetics; human population history; the peopling of Island Melanesia; bioinformatic approaches to the study of primate and human evolution.

Russell Hogg

Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Florida Gulf Coast University

Research interests: The evolution of ontogeny and life history as reflected in hard tissue microstructure; mammalian and early primate evolution.

Rebecca Jabbour

Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Saint Mary's College of California

Research interests: human evolution, African ape evolution and diversity, skeletal biology and variation

Clare Kimock

Research Fellow

Psychology, Nottingham Trent University

Research interests: quantitative genetics, evolution of sexual dimorphism, dental morphology and development

Zachary Klukkert

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences

Research interests: Biomechanics of feeding and the paleobiology and extinction of primate communities in the Caribbean and Madagascar

Emma Kozitzky

Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations of Medicine

New York University

Research interests: Human gross anatomy, medical education, primate dentition, hybridization

Elaine Kozma

Data Scientist

Camino Robotics

Research interests: primate locomotor behavior and adaptations, postcranial functional morphology

John Krigbaum

Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Florida

Research interests: Paleoanthropology, Bioarchaeology, Human Osteology, Paleopathology, Paleodiet Reconstruction, Southeast Asia

Myra Laird

Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences

Keck School of Medicine at University of Southern California

Research interests: Modern human origins, craniodental morphology, hominin environmental and functional variation, geometric morphometrics, early migrations of Homo sapiens

Susan Lappan

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Appalachian State University

Research interests: Primate behavioral ecology and conservation, gibbons, Indonesia

Jenna Lawrence

Instructor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

Columbia University

Research interests: primate behavior and ecology

D. Susie Lee

Research Scientist

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Research interests: infant and juvenile primates (of course, including human children); primate mother-infant behaviors; attachment theory within evolutionary framework; physiological mechanism of attachment.

Joshua Linder

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

James Madison University

Research interests: Primate ecology and conservation, Hunting in the tropics and the bushmeat trade, Protected area management, Human use and perception of wildlife, Conservation biology

Andrés Link

Associate Professor, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Research interests: Primate socio-ecology; atelins (spider monkeys); tropical forest ecology; conservation of Neotropical rainforests.

Jenny Listman

Director of Research


Research interests: data wrangling, big data, machine learning, clustering, and data visualizatione

Elissa Ludeman

Research interests: paleoanthropology, dental anthropology, primate sensory system evolution

Amanda Mancini

Data Scientist


Research interests: landscape genetics, spatial ecology, conservation, lemurs

Samuel Marquez

Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Otolaryngology

SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Research interests: comparative anatomy, human and primate evolution

Reiko Matsuda Goodwin

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Fordham University

Research interests: Primate distribution & biomass, Frugivory, Feeding Behavior, Old World monkeys, Seasonally dry forest ecology, infectious disease surveillance

Luke Matthews

Senior Behavioral and Social Scientist

RAND Corporation

Research interests: Cultural primatology; social learning; phylogeny and behavior; primate ethology.

Laura Matthews

Adjunct Assistant Professor


Research interests: bioinformatics, phylogenetics, tarsiers, slow lorises, speciation, species concepts, molecular adaptation

Eric Mazelis

Department of Anthropology

The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: Cercopithecid dentition, dental functional morphology, Geometric Morphometrics

Colleen McCann


(formerly Curator of Mammals, Wildlife Conservation Society)

Research interests: Primate socioendocrinology; Primate behavior, reproduction and evolutionary history; Conservation biology

Shannon McFarlin

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

George Washington University

Research interests: skeletal biology, tissue histology, dental development, life history

Kieran McNulty

Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Minnesota

Research interests: Paleoanthropology, Human and primate evolution, Geometric morphometrics, Cranial evolution and ontogeny, East Africa

Rachel Messinger

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Moorpark College

Research interests: skeletal biology

Emily Middleton

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Research interests: Paleoanthropology, postcranial skeletal morphology, primate locomotor/positional behavior

Michael Montague

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neuroscience

University of Pennsylvania

Research interests: Implications of variation in color vision among female New World primates, primate behavior, evolution of sensory systems, neurogenomics.

Alba Lucia Morales-Jiménez

Member of the Board

Fundación BioDiversa Columbia

Research interests: Neotropical primate conservation (Ateles hybridus and Saguinus leucopus); taxonomy and systematics (using genetics and morphology), especially of spider monkeys, tamarins and owl monkeys.

Badrul Munir

Professor, School of Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Research interests: molecular systematics

Alejandra Ortiz

Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Anthropology

New York University

Research interests: Hominin evolution, human skeletal biology, dental anthropology, comparative morphology, dispersal and cultural adaptations of modern humans

Anthony Pagano

Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Sciences

Hackensack-Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University

Research interests: nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, ontogeny, functional anatomy, soft tissue reconstruction, paleoanthropology, geometric morphometrics

Jennifer Parkinson

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of San Diego

Research interests: Paleoanthropology; paleoecology, environmental context of human evolution; early hominid habitat use; taphonomy; zooarchaeology; East Africa; Oldowan

Beatriz Perez-Sweeney

Assistant Professor & STEM Specialist

Baylor College of Medicine

Research interests: Primate Genetics, Pathogens, Curriculum Development.

Megan Petersdorf

Lecturer in Evolutionary Anthropology

Durham University

Research interests: sexual selection, animal communication, reproductive strategies, evolution of mating systems

Rachel Petersen

Postdoctoral Scholar, Biological Sciences

Vanderbilt University

Research interests: endocrinology, immunology, sexual selection, cryptic female choice

Varsha Pilbrow

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow

Department of Archaeology and History, La Trobe University

Research interests: human and primate evolution, dental variation, skeletal biology

Luca Pozzi

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Texas, San Antonio

Research interests: Primate evolution, biogeography and systematics - Strepsirhines - Molecular evolution and phylogenetics - Conservation and population genetics - Vocal communication and behavior - Mathematical modeling

Thomas Cody Prang

Assistant Professor

Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M

Research interests: Paleoanthropology, evolution of bipedalism, hominid postcranial functional morphology, foot function and evolution

Kelsey Pugh

Doctoral Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Brooklyn College

Research Associate, Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History

Research interests: hominoid evolution, phylogenetics, morphometrics

Ryan Raaum

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Lehman College & CUNY Graduate Center

Research interests: Population genetics, Bioinformatics, Human evolution, Statistical genetics

Anna Ragni

Postdoctoral Researcher


Research interests: Paleoanthropology, functional morphology, human origins, dental anthropology

Christopher Rainwater

Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office

Research interests: skeletal biology, forensic anthropology

Thomas Rein

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Central Connecticut State University

Research interests: Early hominin evolution and paleontology; primate positional behavior; comparative morphology; skeletal biology.

Su-Jen Roberts

Director of Educational Research and Evaluation

Wildlife Conservation Society

Research interests: informal science education, environmental identity, conservation biology, STEM career development

Christopher Robinson

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Bronx Community College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution, 3D cranial morphometrics of fossil hominins and extant hominoids, giraffid evolution

Sasimar Sangchantr

Research interests: primate behavior and ecology, public health

Eric Sargis

Professor, Departments of Anthropology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Forestry & Environmental Studies

Yale University

Research interests: functional morphology, mammalian phylogenetics

Lisa Schlotterhausen


Kolibri Comprehensive Business Services

Research interests: primate behavior and ecology

Christopher Schmitt

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

Boston University

Research interests: Socioecology of juvenile development in atelines, life history and socioecology of New World primates, juvenile social development and social learning, interface between morphology, behavior, genetics/genomics and life history; functional genomics and anthropological genetics, heritability and genomics of obesity phenotypes during development, modeling longitudinal growth and development.

Amy Schreier

Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Regis University (Denver, CO)

Research interests: Primate Behavior and Ecology; Evolution of Social Structure; Primate Cognitive Ecology; Baboon Socioecology and Evolutionary History; Evolution of Human Behavior;

Maja Šešelj

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Bryn Mawr College

Research interests: Comparative morphology and patterns of growth and development in middle and late Pleistocene hominins, Paleolithic archaeology.

Brian Shearer

Assistant Professor of Anatomy

University of California, San Francisco - School of Medicine

Research interests: geometric morphometrics, hominin evolution

Chet Sherwood

Professor, Department of Anthropology

George Washington University

Research interests: neuroanatomy, brain evolution, allometry

Christopher Smith

Postdoc, Anthropology Division

American Museum of Natural History

Research interests: paleoanthropology, craniofacial morphology, evolution of the hominin cranial base and inner ear, scientific visualization

Lindsey Smith

TWP Lecturing Fellow

Duke University

Research interests: Gestural communication in African apes; primate behavior; language evolution.

Jeff Spear

Department of Anthropology

New York University

Research interests: comparative paleomorphology of primates, primate evolution, evolutionary transitions, functional morphology

Stephanie Spehar

Associate Professor, Religious Studies & Anthropology Department

University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

Research interests: primate socioecology, mating systems, group dynamics and social behavior, communication

Kirstin Sterner

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

University of Oregon

Research interests: primate comparative genomics, adaptive evolution, human brain evolution, infectious diseases in primate hosts, HIV/SIV and AIDS, evolutionary medicine, colobines

Denise Su

Associate Professor

Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University

Research interests: paleoecology, hominin evolution

Sandra Suárez

Director of Upward Bound

Ramapo College of New Jersey

Research interests: primate genetics, animal behavior, neotrpoical primates, ecology, field methods, conservation biology

Francys Subiaul

Associate Professor, Speech and Hearing Science

Mind, Brain & Evolution Center, George Washington University

Research interests: social cognition, learning, primate cognition

Wesley Sutton

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

Lehman College

Research interests: human population genetics

Larissa Swedell

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Queens College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Research interests: social behavior, behavioral ecology, reproductive strategies, evolution of social organization, human social evolution, conservation, baboons

Maressa Takahashi

Scientific Officer and Communications Manager

Botnar Research Centre for Child Health

Research interests: enabling research excellence, science outreach and environmental conservation

Lissa Tallman

Executive Vice President


Research interests: Strategic Market Research Executive | Developing and leading creative, data-driven solutions to complex problems

Paul Telfer

Regional Director, Sudano Sahel Region

Wildlife Conservation Society

Research interests: Primate Biogeography and Conservation with special emphasis on West African primate evolutionary relationships

Nicole Thompson González

Manager of Biobehavioral Health Laboratory

UC Santa Barbara

Research interests: adaptive benefits of social bonds, juvenile social behavior, life history theory

Nelson Ting

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oregon

Research interests: Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Conservation Biology, Phylogenetics, Population Genetics, Phylogeography

Jen Tinsman


Natural Climate Solutions Systematic Review Project

Research interests: Conservation genomics, speciation, climate gradients, adaptation to climate change, lemurs

Anthony Tosi

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology

Kent State University

Research interests: Molecular forensics, Systematics, Population genetics, Phylogeography of nonhuman primates

Jessica Trask

Director of Research Compliance

San José State University

Research interests:

Amber Trujillo

Bioinformatics Analyst

Weill Cornell Medicine

Research interests: Forensic Anthropology, Environmental DNA (eDNA), Biodiversity

Monica Uddin

Professor, College of Public Health

University of South Florida

Research interests: Social context and human population health; genetic and epigenetic markers of mental illness; gene X social environment interactions.

Catalina Villamil

Assistant Professor of Anatomy

Universidad Central del Caribe

Research interests: paleoanthropology, morphological variation, functional morphology, morphological integration

James Warfield

Research interests: primate ecology, conservation biology

Johanna Warshaw

Clinical Associate Professor, Molecular Pathobiology

New York University College of Dentistry

Research interests: Primate phylogeny; primate life history; primate functional morphology and biomechanics; bone biology and histology.

Nicole (Coley) Webb

Postdoctoral Researcher

Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution in Tübingen

Research interests: Primate locomotion, Miocene ape evolution, postcranial functional morphology, skeletal allometry, finite element modeling

Darice Westphal

Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations of Medicine

NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine

Research interests: deforestation, remote sensing, ddRADseq

Danielle Whittaker

Managing Director, Center for Oldest Ice Exploration

Oregon State University

Research interests: Avian chemical communication, mate choice, multimodal communication

Derek Wildman

Professor, College of Public Health

University of South Florida

Research interests: The biology of pregnancy, Evolution of genes X environment interactions, Mammalian phylogenetics, Rates of nucleotide sequence evolution, The evolution of the brain, Primate evolutionary genetics

Kimberly Williams-Guillen

Director of Conservation Science

Paso Pacífico

Research interests: Ecology and conservation of terrestrial mammals

Sandra Winters

Postdoc, Ecology & Evolution of Interactions Research Group

University of Helsinki

Research interests: adaptive coloration, visual signals, sensory ecology, sexual selection, primates

Steven Worthington

Director of Data Science Services & Lead Data Scientist, Institute for Quantitative Social Science

Harvard University

Research interests: Morphology and evolution of catarrhine primates, pattern and process of homoplasy within Mammalia, theory and method of phylogenetic inference.

Julia Zichello

Doctoral Lecturer, Department of Anthropology

Hunter College

Research interests: Primate population genetics, cranial evolution, the role of genetic drift in shaping morphological diversity, Hylobatid evolutionary history